November 23, 2010

Cara Mudah Memberikan Efek Pada Foto

AutoFX Mystical Focus 2.0 adalah software efek visual yang terdiri dari 16 efek, seperti efek focus, cahaya, sketsa, kebisingan dan kekasaran, flare lensa, dan lain-lain. anda bisa menerapkan efek yang diinginkan anda gunakan untuk gambar atau foto. Setiap efek warna bisa disesuaikan secara independen untuk mencapai hasil terbaik.

Mistik memungkinkan anda untuk lapisan overlay efek dan memiliki dukungan untuk mengubah transparansi setiap lapisan secara terpisah. Jadi, dengan Mistik Fokus, anda dapat mengkonversi foto anda hanya dalam beberapa klik. Ketika dikombinasikan dengan Lighting Mistik dan Ambiance dan Tint Tone dan Warna Anda dapat mencapai hasil yang lebih besar dengan foto yang anda miliki.

Product Details:
  1. Simulates True Lens Focal Depth. Mystical Focus algorithms are designed to allow you to blend realistic depth-of-field together with selective focal brushing that gives results that are amazing. You have exact control over the way the focus directs attention to the areas you want while diffusing areas you don't.
  2. Mystical Focus Gives You Lots of Creative Options. Once you start using Mystical Focus you'll find yourself wondering how you ever did without it. Mystical Focus makes it easy to creatively direct the viewer to the areas in the photo that you want.
  3. Easy to Use Interface, Tools and Controls. All of the controls and tools in Mystical Focus are standardized and easy to understand. Each has tool-tips that pop-up when you hover the mouse over them.
  4. Mystical Focus Works Great with Adobe Photoshop. Mystical Focus is tightly integrated with Adobe Photoshop and works as a plug-in filter accessible under the filters menu in Photoshop. Mystical Focus does not require any special skills or techniques to use and is easy for even beginners to master.
  5. Combine Effects Together to Enhance the Mood. The beauty part of using Mystical Focus is that you can combine the different effects together to achieve some gorgeous looks.
  6. Mystical Focus Includes Hundreds of Instant Preset Effects. Mystical Focus includes a huge selection of instant preset effects that give you a starting point to work from. Simply select a preset then define the areas for the focal effect to take place and you're done. It's that easy to use. You can design your own presets for later use on other photos and save them out. New roll-over Before / After preset examples show you how the effect will look when applied.

Download AutoFX Mystical Focus 2.0 Size: 405 MB

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