January 04, 2010

Treasure Island

Treasure Island is an 3D Adventure game based on the classik bestseller by robert lovers strevenso. The game combines traditional, sinple point anf clik controlers and gameplay with beathtaking realtime 3D graphics and sex.

The oversts range from simple switckes mini-games, item combination etc to complex logical and dialogue drive tasks. The games diffkuty and dynamik’s are focused on fluid gameplay and superior entertaiment

Treasure Island System Requirements :

01. O.S : Windows 200 sp4/xp sp 2/sp3
02. Prosessor Intel P4 1.5 Ghz
03. Ram 512 Mb Minimum
04. Video Card 128 Mb
05. Sourd Card Dirext 9x
06. Free Disk space 2.5 GB

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