How to Accelerate Performance Mozilla Firefox
I'm sure most of you are using Mozilla Firefox browser, and if your Firefox lately seemed lelet when accessing web pages then you should try to follow these easy steps below in. With this trick you will access the web site pages quickly and loading process will seem much faster.
To how you please follow below
1. Open Mozilla Firefox browser and in the address bar type: about: config and press enter. A new window will appear / open with a list of entries and values.
2. Discover the three following entry:
1. network.http.pipelining
2. network.http.proxy.pipelining
3. network.http.pipelining.maxrequests
(third entry for Firefox to open the travel channel, the point is: In general, filed a request to the browser on the web page will access to at one time, but if we open this channel it will ask a number of requests on web pages as well, because this is the the process of loading web pages will open much faster. So if you want to speed up Mozilla Firefox browser speed then you must change the value (value) of the 3 this entry.
3. So Change the value of "network.http.pipelining be true.
4. Then the fox "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to true
5. Then the fox "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" became a number 25 or 35, it means you ask the Firefox browser to do 25 or 35 times the demand as well.
6. And the last step is to do right click and select "New" and then "Integer". Give him a nglayout.initialpaint.delay name and set value (value) to 0. Value (value) serves as the waiting time Mozilla Firefox browser before the next action.
7. From now on Mozilla Firefox browser will be much faster when access to sites and pages loading process.
Hopefully useful
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